The Hellenic Association for Energy Economics is always trying to award excellence, and therefore is announcing 2 Awards to be given to Paper Presenters for new advances in the broad field of energy transition, the Best Paper Award for a cash prize of 800€ and the Best Student Paper Award for a cash prize of 500€.
Since your extended abstract has been successfully accepted (you will be notified by June 26), you are highly encouraged to compile your full paper and apply for the Best Paper and the Best Student Paper Awards, following the guidelines below.
Application materials consist of:
- Paper abstract (may be same as abstract submitted to conference for general concurrent session presentation, in case one has been submitted)
- Final Paper
- double-spaced;
- A4 printed page setup;
- 30 pages maximum (any paper that exceeds the page limitation will be subject to disqualification);
- On the first page of the paper include: title of paper, author(s) name(s) and organizational affiliation
For applications for the Best Student Paper Award only:
- The applicant should be a full-time student(s) as of the application deadline. (Note that one or more students may co-author the submission together).
- Photocopy of student ID should be provided
- If the paper is co-authored with supervisor(s)
- The lead author must be a student;
- A contribution statement should be provided by the student(s) outlining their role in the paper;
The full paper & application deadline is August 30, 2023. Please submit all materials electronically in pdf format to, with "Submission for HAEE Best Paper Award" or "Submission for HAEE Best Student Paper Award" in the subject line. You will be notified by September 1, 2023 as to the disposition of your paper.
👉Important information:
- In order to receive the award, authors must register and pay the corresponding registration fee, attend the conference and present their paper. All travel and accommodation costs associated with attending the Symposium are the responsibility of the award recipients or his/her institution.
- The concept development, the research described in the paper, and the writing of the paper must be primarily the work of the author and cannot have previously been published.